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Galvanized DIN 1480 Hook-Ring lanyard


It is also possible execution types: Hook-Hook, ring-a-Ring

Size, d1, (mm)I1, (мм)I3, (мм)I4, (мм)I2, (мм)b, (мм)Weight, (kg)breaking load of the caseBreaking load of the ring, tnBreaking load of the hook, tnOrder registration
М 061108580173 - 2558,50,101,00,10,04
М 081108584183 - 26011,00,171,20,20,08
М 10125112105217 - 31513,50,291,50,50,15
М 12125117115248 - 32515,50,43,02,00,35
М 14140122122272 - 36518,50,622,02,00,35
М 16170138165320 - 43519,00,923,03,00,7
М 20200170167360 - 49020,51,634,04,01,0
М 22215185167405 - 55526,02,205,05,01,5
М 24250205205440 - 61526,03,006,06,02,0
М 30250225225495 - 66033,04,608,010,03,0